The Answer with Ben Armenta

Ain't Nobody Gonna Stop the Woke-Police | The Answer | Ep. 13

April 28, 2023 Ben Armenta Season 1 Episode 13
Ain't Nobody Gonna Stop the Woke-Police | The Answer | Ep. 13
The Answer with Ben Armenta
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The Answer with Ben Armenta
Ain't Nobody Gonna Stop the Woke-Police | The Answer | Ep. 13
Apr 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 13
Ben Armenta

I am sick and tired, of being sick and tired of the woke-police. They're relentless and I don't see any end in sight. At this point, there is only one possible answer ... educate our kids and inoculate them from woke ideologies. In this episode we discuss how absurd the left is and how far cancel culture continues to go. Its time we work together to protect our kids and lift up in prayer those who continue to fight the good fight for the truth.

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I am sick and tired, of being sick and tired of the woke-police. They're relentless and I don't see any end in sight. At this point, there is only one possible answer ... educate our kids and inoculate them from woke ideologies. In this episode we discuss how absurd the left is and how far cancel culture continues to go. Its time we work together to protect our kids and lift up in prayer those who continue to fight the good fight for the truth.

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Welcome, everybody. You ever wonder why companies continue to go woke? You ever wonder why bad ideas seem to breed worse ideas? And why common sense isn't even a value in our society anymore? Well today on the answer, we dive deeper into woke ism, and discuss the one true remedy for change. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook at Ben Armenta Texas. You can also find out more about my story at Ben The other day, I found myself absolutely enthralled in a baseball game I was watching. My son and I were watching the Astros play, I think it was the Braves. And the pace of the game. It was it was really impressive. And for those in our audience who might not pay too much attention to sports, Major League Baseball this past offseason made some really pretty dramatic and sweeping rule changes, and probably more dramatic than any I've seen in my lifetime. And over the years, they've made changes to do things like lower the pitching mound to increase the advantage for the hitters. And of course, in the early 2000s, they made some changes around their steroid and drug policies to kind of they of course level the playing fields. But what they did this year has has really transformed the game. And they did things like put both the pitcher and the hitter on timers so that the pace of the game speeds up, they can only take eight or 10 seconds between pitches, they minimized, the number of times a pitcher can step up off the mound and throw over to any of the bases to try to pick off a runner, they remove the ability for defenses to shift over the field to play to the tendencies of the batters. So a bunch of things. They even made the bases bigger, to make it easier to steal. And all these new rule changes. They they really just in a matter of a few weeks, they've had some pretty impressive effects. And so here, here's some of the findings. Steel's that are successful, are now 81% of time. So 81% of the time, the Steel's are successful, which is 6% higher than prior years. Teams are scoring and the offense is way up there scoring a combined 9.1 runs per game up from 8.5 runs last year. But the kicker is this, the games themselves are way shorter by a lot. The amount of time this goes back to my comment earlier around the pace of the game. The games are averaging two hours and 37 minutes, down from three hours and four minutes. This is a massive difference. And I mean I could I could sense it and feel it. My son and I were talking about it while we were watching TV. The brakes were shorter. The action was faster. I mean, they're scoring more. But even though they're scoring more, it doesn't slow down the game. But the game is still crazy fast done in two and a half hours basically. And it was really it was really kind of exciting. But the other day, I read something about these rules that just got under my skin. And I thought to myself, Man, you've got to be kidding me. So Major League Baseball, sent out this is their, their office, the Office of the Commissioner on was probably in New York City somewhere. So they sent out a memo to all of the all the teams across MLB. And the memo said this, quote, new standards will be enforced for bat boys and bat girls, whose ability to quickly retrieve equipment will help efforts to speed up the game. The league will evaluate the performances of bad boys and bad girls and could ask teams to replace them if their performance is considered substandard. So let me get this straight. If little 12 year old Billy takes just a little too long getting the bat from the plate after a walk or a hit. He's going to be fired. Are you serious right now? This It is asinine. We have all these kids, teenagers who are, who are living a dream. These kids wake up every day, blessed to be in the presence of greatness. These these heroes, these baseball players, they throw on their own team uniform. And I mean, these are kids who are excited because they get the chance to run out baseballs to the home plate umpire, when to replace the balls after they've been, you know, hit into foul territory or whatever. And now we're going to fire them for walking out there too slowly. It blows me away. How stupid some people are. This is It's things like this, which caused people to leave corporate jobs. It is it's crap like this nonsense, why I left the corporate world and eventually got into entrepreneurship, dumb policies erode common sense, and they make everyone dumber. This is just another example of things being taken way too far. And it's not any different than woke leftist policies that ruin companies every day. Look at what happened to Bud Light, when they launched their trans activists. Whatever his name dill, Dylan Mulvaney, I think is his name. When they launched their commercial featuring him with a with his image and likeness put on on their Bud Light cans. They lost $5 billion valuation in one week. $5 billion. I can't even imagine that. So I guess dudes fishing in the mountains or images of people in their jacked up Chevy's and hanging out around the campfire. That's not good enough anymore to sell beer. They have to take their watered down beer and make it work. And now look, there are different schools of thought on this. For years, conservatives have preached the philosophy if you go woke, you go broke. The idea that a company which does things like promote dei or diversity, equity and inclusion, or a company that has trans promotion policies or does ESG environmental I don't know standards, that they that the further left that they go, the less likely they'll be able to economically survive. And I'll admit it. I've even said that phrase before. If you go woke you go broke. Well, Rolling Stone, the Rock and Roll magazine, which has admittedly gone left. They put out an article that companies who sometimes you know, when they go whoa, they'll sometimes take a social media hit or even a financial hit like but like did that they bounce back, sometimes even stronger. There really is no incentive for them to stay centrist or to promote conservative values. They outlined examples like Nike, Disney, Kellogg's Keurig, many others, saying that the profits eventually returned back to normal once the noise settles down. I mean, you might recall, Nike went out even after the controversy with Colin Kaepernick kneeling the NFL games, President Trump tweeting about it and all kinds of blowback from conservatives around kneeling during the national anthem. Nike still went out and sign Colin Kaepernick who was no longer playing in the NFL. Nike also went out and signed that same Trans activist Mulvaney to do his thing for them and their brand. I think he models sports bras, the dude modeling sports bras for Nike. So clearly, the economic impact of going broke is really false. It doesn't exist. The concern I have is that woke ism. It doesn't just prove that they're idiots among us. We We know that it's that they're idiots, who force others to comply, or even worse, they plant these absurd ideas into our culture. And those absurdities eventually take root and become the new reality. That's the bigger concern is that fiction is turned into fact. Let me go back to baseball and read you an article from Fox News. The headline is this climate change blamed for more homeruns in baseball, warmer air, more dingers. Rising temperatures allow baseballs to travel farther. A study claims over 500 homeruns in Major League Baseball since 2010 can be attributed to climate change. A new study that has attracted widespread media attention claims. The study states that the upward trend in homeruns in professional baseball is owed in part to rising temperatures, making air less dense and allowing baseballs to travel farther when hit. Scientists acknowledge however, that there are other factors as well to account for the increased amount of homegrown baseball's. The Darkness study, which was published in the Bulletin of the American meteorology, Meteorological Society, sought to answer to why the last 13 years have seen an upswing in the number of Homers. According to the numbers, the time period has seen hundreds of more home runs compared to its preceding decade. And he goes on and on and on and on and on. Nowhere in this art, like it mentioned that there could be other factors. But nowhere in this article, did it present what those could potentially be. Nowhere did it talk about an alternate reason for the increase in homeruns. Nowhere did it mention that it's a fact that over the course of human history, humans have gotten bigger, stronger, faster. eye hand coordination has gotten more accurate and predictable. And that doesn't just happen over 100 years, or 1000s of years. It happens just from one generation to the next. And most importantly, I mean more important than anything else is nowhere in this study or article, did it outline that absolutely nobody cares. Nobody cares about the home run rates going out. Chicks dig the long ball. These studies and so called journals, they only serve to promote an agenda. And that's the thing, these things that we read on social media or regular media or we see on TV, there is always an agenda underneath. It doesn't matter who who's publicizing it, or producing it or publishing it or whatever it might be. These studies there's a reason why they're being studied. It's not curiosity. They're pushing an ideology. And people buy into it. And that's why this is dangerous, is articles like that get published. They get hundreds of 1000s of reviews, hundreds of 1000s of views and forwards, sometimes millions. And then people buy into this. Just last week, movie director Steven Spielberg came out in an interview and stated that censoring his movie EA T, removing guns from key scenes when they released rereleased it that he believes it was a mistake. And he did this interview with Time Magazine. And he claimed that old films shouldn't be updated for modern for like a modern lens. And he said that essentially that's creating censorship. And so he states that was a mistake. That was a big, big mistake. He said, I never should have done that because et was a product of its era. No film should be revised based on the lenses we are aware we are now either voluntarily or being forced to pierce through. He noted why he initially revised it and told the the interviewer that et was a film that quote, I was sensitive to the fact that the federal agents were approaching a bunch of kids with their firearms exposed and I thought I would change the guns into walkie talkies. In quote, he claimed he made the changes due to his evolving views, but ultimately realized there was a mistake, he should have left the movie alone. He says, I should never have missed with or messed with the archive of my own work. And I don't recommend anybody do that. He then voiced the importance of leaving the films as they are saying, all our movies are a kind of measuring a signpost of where we were when we made them, what the world was like, and what the world was receiving when we got those stories out there. So I really regret having done this. The woke approach, which has led to the removal of guns from et, or the removal of statues from our parks, or the tearing down of our history, it now has a term and it's called presentism. Here's Bill Maher. And finally neuro you can get creative with a novel a TV show or a movie but history books. That's not supposed to be fan fiction. How we teach our kids history has become a big controversy these days with liberals accusing conservatives of wanting to whitewash the past. And sometimes that's true, sometimes they do. But plenty of liberals also want to abuse history to control the present. And last month, a scholar named James sweet caught hell for calling them out for doing just that. He criticized a phenomenon known as present ism, which means judging everyone in the past by the standards of the present, it's the belief that people who lived 200 or 500 or 1000 years ago really should have known better which is so stupid it's like getting mad at yourself for not knowing what you know now when you were 10. Stupid me spending all that time raising sea monkeys and who doesn't have moments from your past that make you cringe? Who hasn't said I can't believe I said that. I can't believe I wore that. I can't believe I thought that I can't believe I did that. You ate dirt. You wanted to be a Ghostbuster you shoplifted gum. It tried to be a white breakdancer. You you wanted to marry Scott bale I read and Rand I smoked. I was into numerology. Yes, because we hadn't been grown into the persons we would become. And humanity writ large is just the collective version of that. Did Columbus commit atrocities of course. But people back then were generally atrocious. Everybody who could afford one had a slave, including people of color. The way people talk about slavery these days, you'd think it was a uniquely American thing that we invented in 1619. But slavery throughout history has been the rule, not the exception. The Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, Romans, the Arabs, British, the early Americans, all the way up through our Kelly. And the capacity for cruelty is a human thing, not a white thing. That's the truth, even though it doesn't jibe with the current narrative. But in today's world, when truth conflicts with narrative, it's the truth that has to apologize. Being woke is like a magic moral time machine where you judge everybody against what you imagine you would have done in 1066. And you always win. presentism Yeah, this professor is right. It's just a way to congratulate yourself about being better than George Washington, because you have a gay friend and he didn't. There's a play called I Joan currently being presented in London, written by Charlie Josephine who identifies as non binary and uses they then pronouns and it portrays Joan of Arc as surprise non binary with a them pronouns. Which if you think about it makes even less sense because Joan being French spoke a language where every noun is masculine or feminine. Joan says in the play, I'm not a girl, I don't fit that word, as if she's a character on euphoria. Now, it's true Joan of Arc did wear pants, but that's what the soldiers wore and she was soldiering. But in the retelling, Joan would rather die than stop wearing men's clothing. Okay, Joan of Arc wasn't executed by the fashion police. Her trial went on for over two months, we have the transcript, and not once did she complain about being misgendered. She had bigger fish to fry like herself. Too soon it was 1431. Which is not to say that there isn't truth to the old rubric that history is written by the winners. And it is subjective. Napoleon said history is just a fable we all agree on. And he should know because he was a deaf woman named Diane. But it's also true that much of history is indisputably factual, because we have artifacts and coins, and birth records and archaeology and somebody in Mesopotamia kept a record of how much grain they ate. It's not all up in the air to change or delete or make up based on what makes you feel better today. So when will woke ism stop? How woke is to woke? The fact is between us. It's never going to stop. The left the liberals, the Democrats, they're not really interested in the truth, or the facts or reality. We live in what you and I believe to be the upside down world. What you and I believe to be facts are not being taught as facts to our kids. We live in a world in which 50% of the population at least here in the United States. They care more about what others think of them and of how woke they can be. And there's a woke police for that. And the woke police. They're empowering others to call others out. And that's Kancil culture. And that woke police. Their objective is to keep the Democrats in power. Whether it's Steven Spielberg who admits he went too far, or women who get canceled every day by Bud Light commercials or the NCAA who allows trans athletes men to compete against women. Wolk ism is a force that neither you nor I can stop. It's not going to happen. I have I have family members and friends. These are people I care deeply about who have hook line and sinker falling for woke ism. They've gone completely astray. It's not like they run around wearing drag clothes, or anything like that. But they are genuinely disgusted by the fact that there are state legislatures out there who are banning drag queen story hours from schools or libraries. They think that I'm crazy. Or I'm mean for believing that that gender, gender transitioning surgeries or puberty blockers should be outlawed for minors. They think that's nuts. We are in an upside down world. There is a Montana State House member named Zephyr who I believe is a male, trans male. So I think it's a male who pretends to be a woman. So he accused the Republicans have quote having blood on their hands after passing a bill to block gentle gender sorry, genital mutilation of children. means this type of rhetoric that tarnishes and radicalizes the uninformed. We've talked before about uninformed voters, those uninformed voters see the headlines about climate change impacting homeruns that see the headlines about blood on their hands. No more can you do gender transitioning if you're a child, they hear and see those things. And then they vote for the Democrats. And what I've learned over the years of being a conservative, is that is a complete waste of time to try to convince the left to move, right. One of the reasons is that no one on the left is open to reason. You'll never win an argument with an irrational person. There isn't enough logic to convince a Democrat to become a Republican. So don't even try. Even the great rush limbaugh would discuss how hard it was basically, an effort in futility. It's just not worth it. You know, that prayer that you sometimes see in someone's living room, or maybe flipping through Facebook, the serenity prayer, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. This is where I'm at right now. As it relates to woke ism, our best defense, and maybe even our only defense is to inoculate our kids to this nonsense, and ignore the rest. We have to do it. Have you talked about woke ism with your kids? I mean, even at an elementary age, you can begin to discuss things like genders being determined by God, and that there are only two. But as they get into junior high in high school, do you talk to them about social influences that they face around woke ism, and what people are saying other kids are saying around the school. You talk about how it's okay for them to have their beliefs and their faith. And that you have their back even when they think the rest of the world doesn't. You have their back. Of course, we all believe slavery is bad. But does that mean that everyone who lived in the South in the 1860s were evil, of course not canceled, canceled culture and woke ism. They are strong forces, the pure pressure to go along with groupthink at all ages. It's intense. It's intense. But it's got to be 10x. With teenagers. We have to encourage them to think on their own. We have to encourage them to have their own beliefs and to understand fact versus fiction. And that it's not mean and hurtful and cruel. To support the truth. One of the things I'm most proud of are the schools that we've enrolled our kids in both our kids attend public schools here in Texas, Katie Independent School District and look like all schools. There is definitely room for improvement. But I really have not come across any other public schools, any other ISD out there, which focuses more on students and less on itself than Katy ISD. I believe that. And we've been here a while now almost 10 years, give or take, for the most part, the leadership at Katie, they believe they've got a job to do. And that the job is not to replace the role of the parent. And it's not to replace religious organizations and do indoctrination. But rather it's to be the educational institution that's woven seamlessly into the fabric of our kids lives. I see it. I sense it. And this is why we won't even entertain Moving until Lily and Jack get out of high school. Let me share with you a story about my son Jack Jack has, he's always been a little unpredictable. He's one of those kids that when he opens up his mouth and says something, it's usually unexpected. And he, he hates to try new things. But when he does, he usually surprises himself. He sets goals. He works hard. And he often outpaces those goals and surprises himself and others around him. It's, it's really, it's pretty cool. Well, in Texas, when you get into sixth grade, you choose a fine art program, you have to enroll at least one year into fine arts, you can choose band, choir, art, theater, orchestra, things like that. And when he went into sixth grade, he chose theater. And I think the primary reason he did that was because his sister was in band, and he didn't want to be, you know, in band with her, he wanted to chart his own path, which is cool. I respect that for sure. We knew he was going to have a ton of fun. And, and he did. And he's he's continued to stick with it. And then he's been, he's been cast in all sorts of plays. And we now know for certain he is by far, the only one in our family who can actually carry a tune, sing on pitch, dance act, all at the same time. It's great. Well, earlier this year, we went to a local theater competition that these junior high kids were in. And I kid you not at least half the schools that were there, performed plays that were woke. And you're probably not surprised by that. But it's true. They did plays around censoring art. restricting what you know how kids, students behave and act within schools, sexuality and gender discovery and other nonsense. All kinds of things. And my son's school, they performed a play which was geared way more towards relationships and how complicated those are and navigating relationships over time. And, and it was great. And over the years, his directors, they have selected plays that challenge the kids, but they cause them to think about history. History as it was not how we in 2023 want it to have been. So he's been in classics, like the Greek tragedy Medea. He's done Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. A couple years ago, this troupe performed diary of an of Anne Frank, and learned all about the Holocaust. But the point of me telling you this is more about the play that Jack is in now. He's cast is one of the characters in George Orwell's Animal Farm. And I'm not certain if you remember reading Animal Farm in high school. But this book is an allegory about communism. That's it. It's a classic, written in the early years, right after World War Two. And it's geared towards warning society about the dangers of communism, and falling into the traps of equality, and equity. And so Jack, he's cast as the wise old donkey who remains skeptical of these conniving pigs who are trying to convince all the other animals to buy into this. You know, everybody is got to contribute and be equal to everybody else. And of course, Christina and I, we are super proud of Jack and his and his acting passion. But I'm gonna be honest, I am additionally proud of his teachers, and his administrators who in the they too, are faced with the pressures of society. And they are more interested in teaching these kids how to think critically, how to think independently, how to achieve things as a team and As an individual, and that earning things in life based on merit is not a bad thing. It's a good thing. But most importantly, that the facts of history whether those facts are good or bad, ugly, mean, amazing, atrocious. Regardless, they're facts, and they must be learned and respected. So, hats off to all of you parents out there. And everybody else. Whether your teachers or grandparents, whomever, all of you who are out there who are doing your part, to inoculate our kids from these woke ideologies. Thank you so much for listening. As always, you can email me your thoughts to Ben at Ben The truth is that there are nefarious, manipulative forces all around us and our kids. The media isn't going to change. Seeing Tucker Carlson get can, who was really the only reason to watch Fox News should be evidence of that. We have to get serious about driving the change closest to home. And that starts with teaching our kids not to succumb to woke ideologies. Until next time, thank you again. And God bless. The answer with Ben Armenta is brought to you today by Gambit construction, a leading multifamily general contractor, they have over 50 years of experience in renovations, restorations and rebuilds. But most importantly, they have strong conservative values just like you and me. Visit them today at Gambit