The Answer with Ben Armenta

Are We Really Better Off Today? | The Answer | Ep. 14

May 05, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14
Are We Really Better Off Today? | The Answer | Ep. 14
The Answer with Ben Armenta
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The Answer with Ben Armenta
Are We Really Better Off Today? | The Answer | Ep. 14
May 05, 2023 Season 1 Episode 14

The Democrats are lying. They love to tell the American people "that we're better off now than we we're 2 years ago." They love to tell us "that Joe Biden has saved us from the abyss." But you and I know that this isn't the truth. The fact is, our lives are completely disrupted and turned upside down due to the liberal policies. We are only keeping it together because of our faith and because of good conservatives still willing to fight the fight. We have to get prepared for the 2024 election battle now. Join me as we discuss the lunacy of the Left and what you should be doing about it today.

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The Democrats are lying. They love to tell the American people "that we're better off now than we we're 2 years ago." They love to tell us "that Joe Biden has saved us from the abyss." But you and I know that this isn't the truth. The fact is, our lives are completely disrupted and turned upside down due to the liberal policies. We are only keeping it together because of our faith and because of good conservatives still willing to fight the fight. We have to get prepared for the 2024 election battle now. Join me as we discuss the lunacy of the Left and what you should be doing about it today.

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Welcome, everybody. Are we better off today than we were two and a half years ago? That's what the Democrats tell you. They think the further away from law and order, the further away from free markets, and the further away from independent free thinkers we get, the better. Today on the answer, we get real about the current state of affairs, and ultimately the one thing you can do to help swing the 2024 election, be sure to share this podcast with your family and friends. Follow me on Twitter, and Facebook at Ben Armenta Texas. You can also find out more about my story of Ben And just to take it back to the to the President, the President had done more for the American people certainly then Maga Republicans have done in the last two years. Seriously, play that again. And just to take it back to the to the President, the President had done more for the American people certainly than Maga Republicans have done in the last two years, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. These people have to either be the most conniving, manipulative to face scumbags. Or they're the dumbest idiots on the planet. When I got into politics, I didn't really know what to expect. But I learned a lot, I met a lot of fantastic people traveled, the state of Texas, met people who work at all levels of government, federal, state, local. And really, there are two types of individuals who work in politics. And I share this with people often, you know, you know, when you are in high school, and you had somebody in your class who just always said the wrong things at the wrong time. It's probably no big surprise to you. But politics is filled with individuals who, if they were in business, wouldn't be successful. If they're in any other walk of life, they wouldn't be successful. And I'm not saying that's all the always the case. Like I said, there's two types of people there are those that are brilliant, just smart, policy hawks, individuals who who understand how the world works, how to work together, collaborate, innovate, come up with new ways to make our society and our communities better. And then those are then there are those that just exist in politics, and parlay one staff job into another. I mean, even when you watch Fox News, or Newsmax or even the liberal stations, I bet you see the same thing. You'll come across some pundit who is just a chump. And it's, it's no different with these people that work for Biden, now look, the Democrat machine. It's brilliant. It's brilliant that the machine itself, it's just, it's a whole next level. I mean, on previous episodes, we talked about big political machines and Chicago, those that helped get Barack Obama elected the political organizations in New York as far back as the 17 1800s. Boss Tweed and others big political machines in Philadelphia everywhere. George Soros funding DEA is across the country. I mean, he's brilliant. And take a look at what happened in 2020. With basement Joe Biden. I mean, who would have thought that we would have elected somebody that never came out of the hole, never interacted with voters? But we did. Because the Democrat political machine knows what they're doing. Take a look at what's happened in places like Arizona and the gubernatorial election. And in Texas in Harris County, with the the ballots not having enough paper at the polling locations in order for individuals to cast their ballots. And the Democrats get away with it. I mean, what are the consequences? There really haven't been any. So the Democrat machine is darn good. And in many cases, it's better than the conservatives. sheen. But look, there is no doubt that there are idiots. I mean, real big ones in their midst. That clip was the Biden press secretary Corinne, John Pierre. And she, I mean, her claim to fame is that she's essentially a bumbling idiot. And I'm sure you recall that she got this job. Most people believe that she's the token female, black lesbian who got who got this job just to be up there. But she clearly hasn't gotten better over the last handful of months. And I have such great respect for many of her predecessors. I mean, we can go back and and do they all took arrows. But we can go back. Do you remember Sean Spicer? He was press secretary initially for President Trump. And he ultimately became like this Saturday Night Live skit. I mean, his thing what ended up happening was he wore a suit that was maybe one size too big and looks baggy and kind of made him look goofy. But he walked out there every day, with thick skin toughest nails, didn't care what the comedian's would say about him on late night TV. And then the next press secretary was Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who, you know, now was able to establish a brand and a reputation as a steadfast stalwart defender of Donald Trump. And now she's Governor Huckabee Sanders of of Arkansas. And she was having she was impressive to watch because she was the press secretary in the height of all the allegations that were flying against Donald Trump, mean everything, all the falsehoods around colluding with Russia and the steel dossier. She was press secretary, as he was establishing his strongest policies, the corporate tax, rollbacks, reducing our military combat footprint, all kinds of fantastic things that he was helping put in place, securing our border, and she was being constantly attacked by the media. And she was fantastic. And then she was followed by Kayleigh McEnaney, who was a young, tough, really brilliant, I mean, one of the smartest press secretaries I've watched in a very long time she had been, I remember seeing her as the one and only conservative representative on on CNN in 2016. And so they would bring her on and they'd have all the the liberals and they'd be attacking Donald Trump or they'd be attacking all the the 19 Republicans that were running. And she would talk about policy talk about issues she was she would talk about the voters and the base. Well, fast forward. Like I don't know, I guess that'd be, you know, three, four years. And she was now the the press secretary. And one thing that she was just amazing at was learning everything that was going on. And what happens is the press secretary has briefings with all of the all of the teams all of the departments and agencies. She or he has briefings with the chief of staff, they know just about everything that's going on, and they certainly know what the administration's stance is on everything from the schedule of the President to policy, international policies, domestic policies, relationships with the legislature, whatever it might be, and that hurt the team preps a massive binder with tabs and information. So when push comes to shove, you can up on the podium flip to the to the right section. And at least make note of something and prove I had some information to the press. She was so good. She never looked at it ever. She would have it up there. And she just knew everything. She retained so much information. She is so smart. And, and even when Joe Biden first became press secretary, or first became president, he had a press secretary. She was the redhead. If you recall, Jen Psaki and looking back, she was lightyears ahead of this current one. I mean, it'd be great to have her her bag, at least there would be real conversation and real information coming from the podium, instead of this canned bullcrap that John Pierre keeps spouting out. But this this fool, she's bad. She's real bad. So she's up there taking her pre canned questions that she has planted out with the press corps. She's not, you know, going off script and and providing any type of elaboration. She's She's staying exactly to the words that are written down in front of her just like her boss. And she opens up her mouth and says that we are better off under Joe Biden and the Democrats. Then under Magga, which really means under Donald Trump. Even the Democrats watch that. And they say, Honey, that is a bridge too far. I mean, let me ask you, are you better off now? Is your family better off now? How's your 401 K doing? I know my retirement plans have taken a hell of a hit over the last couple of years. Has your grocery bills. I mean, I remember we used to talk about us talking about the price of eggs going up. It's everywhere. I mean, inflation has affected all aspects, all parts of our economy. But the things that we buy, so not just eggs, milk, bread, everyday stuff, school supplies, all office supplies, gasoline you put in your car. And I remember the gas prices. I don't know a year or so ago, Joe Biden released and use tons of our emergency national oil reserves. And that we save up for war time. Critical natural disasters that take out our infrastructure. That's what we save it for. He used it to just flood the markets and bring down the price of gas. Well guess what's going back up now? The price of gas. Mean inflation is everywhere. How's crime in your area? We just had here in Houston. A family of five murdered shot at gunpoint, execution style by an illegal alien. How's the border working out for you? Are we secure? 100,000 new illegals crossing that border every month. 100,000. And I'm rounding down 100,000 Every month how's your business doing? Recovered from COVID but suffering from supply chain issues? Hell half the businesses I know can't even find anyone to hire. We have over educated people swamped in debt that they can't pay off. People that have gone and gotten degrees that they can't get jobs for. At the same time, we have true hireable craftsmen that don't want to go back to work. They just continue to suck off the unions and paid leave policies from the federal government. taxes are going up? I mean, don't get me started on national debt. Why we're all desperate for the government to open up businesses. What do they do? They kept businesses on lockdown. They fired good performing workers because they didn't get the COVID Jabs. I'm damn, my buddy, Tom Slocum, just a couple episodes ago, talked about how the military fired all those Navy Seals and servicemen and women because they didn't get the COVID shots. For all intents purposes, women's sports are ruined. My daughter now lives in a world in which male born, female pretenders can compete against her. How's that working out for us? As Riley gains, how that played out for her. She could have won championships swimming, but was unable to because dudes were competing against her. Babies are the enemy. Now. The Democrats want to kill them, not just in utero, but after they've been born after they've been born. That's murder. But that's a good thing. Because the Democrats want to control population. How's our relationship with our allies? Not the ones who pretend to be our ally, because we're funding a proxy war for them. But the ones that really matter, like Taiwan, and Japan, how are things going for them while Saudi Arabia and Russia get in bed with Zhi Jing ping? Do you think they're sleeping? Well, tonight healthcare still sucks. Only half the country can essentially afford the medicines that we all have to buy. Everything appears to be a cover up these days. Where's the transparency on things like the root cause of COVID? What happened in Las Vegas with the Las Vegas shooting? I still personally cannot believe that over 600 people have been convicted of insurrection charges when the Capitol Police let them into the building. So No, madam press secretary, things are not better. Under Joe Biden. Things are not better. Under the Democrats. Things are totally different. Totally different than they were just a handful of years ago. Do you hear about the new ad campaign, the recruitment ads that the United States Navy has put together where they are using a drag queen to recruit a more diverse workforce. This is absurd. This is absurd. We are a laughing joke. We are so vulnerable as a nation under the Democrats. And that's by design. That's what they want. And things are so bad. That Joe Biden is already getting prepared to be primaried. He there multiple people already running against him and more are speculated to jump in. One of the big names would be Gavin Newsom. Me I couldn't imagine a world in which Newsom is our president. But I can make an argument that that world would be better than the one that we're in right now. I I've tried really hard over the last, since I last launched this podcast, I don't know 1314 episodes ago or so to avoid talking about 2024 And that election because there's plenty of time to do that. But I just I cannot wait for 2024 I cannot wait for the Democrats to eat their own and for the GOP to step up. Now don't get me wrong. I mean, I am nervous. I am concerned. I am nervous as all get up. And me I'm not nervous about a divided party. Because we're we're already there. We're already there. The Republican the GOP we are a divided party. And I'm not nervous about never Trumpers or never anybody's. I'm not nervous about having a solid platform for us to stand on. I'm nervous about one main thing. I'm nervous that we can't turn out the people to go vote. See, we have the money to win just as much as the Democrats. We have the people to win. But do we have enough guts to fight harder and dirtier than the Democrats? Do we have enough grit to overwhelm the polls with people? The fact is that the Democrats are gonna cheat. They're just gonna do it. I don't know how I don't know when. And I certainly don't know how prevalent or widespread it's going to be. I just know that they're going to try, because they always do. And I promise you that they are trying right now to figure out how they're going to manipulate the system. To make it impossible for Republicans to win that election. They're working on it. They got 1000s of people all across the country who aren't focused on the Democrats winning, they are focused on how they ensure Republicans lose. I mean, that that's an offensive mindset. They are trying to beat up the GOP, and they're good at it. We have to be prepared to harvest ballots, where it's legally allowed. We need to be registering voters right now. And working to clean up voter rolls. Our state legislatures must and I mean, must pass legislation that puts criminals in prison. criminals who manipulate these elections, commit voter and election integrity fraud, and put them in prison for decades. We have to pass laws that require Voter IDs. We have to get our ground game and our messaging organized and get it organized not by geography, or county or precinct. But by the voter type by the voting persona. Here's what I mean by that. We have to have a strategy and a ground game. For converting as many suburban moms as possible to go vote Republican in 2024. We have to do things like put boots on the ground in the inner cities, preaching that the GOP is me familiar. That's what we have to do. The GOP has their back. But they don't feel it. If we're not in the inner cities. They don't learn about it. If we're not in the inner cities. We have to go where the voters are at and turn them out. Donald Trump Map My friend former Congresswoman Myra Flores down in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. She talks all the time about how President Trump focused on the messaging and solving problems that impacted people on the border. And he worked his tail off to turn blue districts red and he did it. He did it. And he helped put a ground game in place where there wasn't one to tell the story. And that's what we have to do. It's go time. It's go time right now. And thus far Donald Trump is really the only candidate he's the only candidate that has the muscle, the heart, the hustle and the bite to kick enough ass to beat the Democrats. We don't win 2024 Because we win out with the moderates. We don't win 2024 Because we get the the people who are centrists. We don't win 2024 Because the GOP at least is not Joe Biden. We win 2024 by throwing haymakers bruising the left shining a light On the darkness, exposing skeletons and connecting the dots for established voters to come towards conservatism. Let me ask you this. When was the last time when you were out with your buddies, or your in laws, or your fellow soccer moms at Zumba class or whatever? When was the last time you talked about how you're worried? How you're worried about the direction where the country is headed? How you're worried about the filth that gets into your kid's social circles, whether from social media or unchecked schools, or just an overall lack of Judeo Christian values in our society. Look, it's time. It's time, folks. It's time we all buckle up. We got to put on our big boy britches. And we need to start talking about the brokenness all around us. We cannot let the Korean John Pierre press secretary types tell a false narrative. Yes, God is good. Yes, your family. God willing is healthy and doing well. But the outside forces, they are encircling us. And it's time that we create a sense of urgency. We cannot wait till 2024 to create the sense of urgency, we have to do it now. Because next year, come this time. That's when we get to talk about the alternative. That's when we get to talk about hope and prosperity and abundant freedoms. This time next year, we get to praise the outlook of where our states and our soon to be prosperous nation can go. This time next year, we get to paint a brighter future and ask others to join us. But we need to create a sense of urgency and change the narrative about what today looks like right now. You know who I miss a lot. I mean a ton. I miss me some Rush Limbaugh rush he did. He did a lot of things really, really well. I mean, he was the he was the goat. He was the conservative media guy. I heard something this week. I don't know who it was might have been Sebastian Gorka? I think so in which he was talking with his team on his podcast or radio show about who now now that rush limbaugh has gone. You know, who really is the most influential conservative out there. And they, of course, talked about Tucker Carlson, they kind of feel like Tucker. He's at the top of the list. And everybody else does, you know, there's kind of a gaggle of eight or 9678 folks that are kind of the next tear. But rush, he was, there was nobody like him. And he was, in my terms, kind of the radio and the media version of Donald Trump. He would talk in plain English. He never talked down to people, people who who were genuine and authentic with him. He was the exact same way. He was. He was kind to them, he would explain things to them. He would challenge them so that they could think about things a little differently. He he never backed down from truth, or conservatism. And, you know, my opinion, I don't think anyone brought more people over to conservatism in the last 25 years than Rush Limbaugh. The thing is, I don't know if he necessarily set out to do that as a primary goal. When he got into into media and everything he did, I mean, I think it was clearly a byproduct. But I think more than anything else, he just stayed true to himself and his beliefs. And that was enough. And that's what I'm asking you to do. I don't believe we have enough people on the right enough of the The so called establishment types who are encouraging and supporting the rest of us to build up the conservative army. Yeah, yeah, they want, they want our votes, for sure. And they certainly are great at sending out donor email blasts, I get them all the time in my inbox. They don't really ask us to bring a buddy to the polls, they don't really ask us to go out and be it to amplify the message. They just want the money in the vote. I get it. Money, and votes do win elections. But we have got to change the narratives in our communities. And the only way we do that, is we have to become active. So get prepared and get prepared now. Get prepared. Like if you want to win this election, you're gonna have to do something you don't you don't get to be on the sidelines. And you can't say, Ben, well, look, you know, I mean, I'm gonna go vote. I'm gonna do early voting. Well, great. It's not enough. My guess is every single one of the people who are listening to this podcast right now have voted recently. In the last couple of years. You probably voted in the 2020 election, and the 2016 election is not enough. You have to get prepared to talk to your friends, to your family, to your co workers. Get ready to talk to your church, lady, friends, your next door neighbor's get ready to talk to people of all races and creeds and socio economic backgrounds. Are you going to sign up and help block walk in the inner cities? When candidates are the Republican Party say they need volunteers? I mean, get ready to talk to people that you're not that comfortable. meeting strangers. Get ready to be bold. Like put yard signs up in your yard. Have some courage. Own your convictions outwardly. Block, walk for candidates, hand out flyers. And look, get ready. Get ready to be called names. Get ready for people you care about to disown you. You see the battle, it's not won by hope. Hope is not a strategy. The battle is going to be won by faith and persistence. And every single one of us doing something more tomorrow than we did today. So look in the spirit of building an army of conservative firebrands, folks, like you and me. Good ol salt of the earth Americans ready to stand up and stand out representing our values. In the spirit of mobilizing and activating more moms and dads. I'm going to talk not only about the issues of the day, or the week or the year, I'm not just going to talk about the hot topics on this podcast, I will. But I'm also going to start to talk about the core principles of conservatism. And these are principles that I believe are the bedrock of our society, the society intended by our founding fathers. And if we talk more about them, people will come to understand that voting Democrat is a vote against common sense. And it's a vote against their values. Voting Democrat is a vote against peace and prosperity. It's a vote against the dreams of individuals and the dreams of our collective humanity. That ultimately, was the message that resonated in the Rio Grande Valley with many Latinos who believe that they've always voted Democrat, so that's what they needed to do. But Donald Trump painted a realistic picture. And we need to do that everywhere. So let's chat just for a couple minutes here. are about the rule of law. The whole reason we have government is to put in place the laws which enable the protection of our inalienable rights. And those are the rights given to us by God, and nobody can take them away life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And in order for those rights to be preserved, for all walks of life, in order for those rights to flourish, for future generations, we have to maintain order, and justice, and we have to do it impartially. Our branches of government must maintain a level of transparency and trust with our people. And we cannot be a free people, if we do not respect the law of the land. What good is our society when we elect legislators, people who dutifully write and pass laws, and we elect executives who work with the legislative branch to sign those laws and implement them, but then our law enforcement doesn't uphold them. And I'm not pointing the finger necessarily at the police. I'm pointing the fingers at the the DBAs. And the judges and other parts of our executive branch like the federal government, where they just do executive orders to ignore the loss. What kind of society are we when we have open borders? Not by law. But by hook or by crook? What kind of society are we in which we allow criminals to cross our borders, commit crimes, get deported, returned over four different times, just enough to be here in our neighborhoods, and kill our families. Just like the incident I talked about earlier and outside of Houston. And what the heck is going on? Just this week, 62 year old and longtime resident of Los Angeles, the actor Scott Bailey, remember him. He said he's leaving California, because he's had it with the left's destruction of the state. And we hear about the celebrities from time to time leaving California because they're celebrities. So the the media picks up on it, they all, you know, they buy homes in Tennessee, or Texas or Oklahoma or where Wyoming wherever it is, they're gonna go. We hear about that. But we also know that there are 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of people leaving blue states for red states. The populations are going down in places like New York, and in places like California, and the populations are going up in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, and Arkansas and many, many others. So Scott Baier says, quote, it's not safe anymore. He tweeted out a recent survey that a local news station did which pointed out that roughly 69,000 people were experiencing homelessness in LA County. And he noted that it brings down property value. And, quote, also, there are no consequences for the crime that is rampant. It's just not safe anymore. In quote. We see it everywhere. We chatted a few weeks ago with Matt McCovey back from Austin about the defund the police movement there in Travis County area. In Texas. We see the porous southern border, we see DBAs not enforcing abortion ban laws and letting violent criminals out on the streets with personal reconnaissance or PR bonds. $1 Bonds $0 Bonds just on their own word. Yeah, that rapist, that murderer, a kidnapper. I will take their word for it without really taking their word for it. They're letting them out because they don't want them in prison. This has to stop. The rule of law is not a matter of red versus blue. It's not a matter of elephants and donkeys, Republicans and Democrats. This is 100% about life and death. This is about our freedoms, decency, dignity. Respect for our fellow man. Hell, this is about having pride in the communities we live in. Ignore the BS coming from the left, when they say the rule of law is a dog whistle for racism. You tell them to shut up. This isn't about racism. This is about kicking cartels and Ms. 13 gangs out of the country. This is about eradicating the Fentanyl crisis that is killing your kids and family members. And look, laws help preserve the contract between government and the people. And it helps preserves the social contract between all of the citizens. And there are really five primary reasons why we put laws in place. And the first one is very basic, the harm principle, laws created under the harm principle are written to protect people from harming others. So committing crimes against others, whether doesn't matter how egregious, we want to minimize doing harm to our fellow citizens. The second reason is the parental principle, no different than creating harm to others. This is about laws that protect people from harming themselves. So some of these laws might be things like ensuring that children receive education go to school and have to be in attendance, that vulnerable children or adults aren't neglected by their caregivers. So those are laws enacted underneath the parental principle. The third one is the morality principle. These laws are based not strictly around harm, doing harm to yourself or to others. But really, you're grounded more around religious beliefs. So historically, some of these laws have to attack, you know, they tackle things like sex in our society, they tackle things like hate speech, moral issues. The fourth one is around what we refer to as the donation principle. So anything around economics, goods, services, corporations, corporate practices, business practices, ensuring that corporations do good by by their customers. And the fifth one is the status principle. And this is where we ensure that laws protect citizens, they also protect our government, and they ensure that the government doesn't increase its power for its own sake. So some of the good laws are things like treason, espionage, some of the laws that can erode. The civil liberties of citizens are things that would restrict talking bad about government, flag burning, displaying symbols, anything that oppresses people. So really those five principles, or how laws are what laws are grounded in the harm principle, the parental principle, the morality principle, the donation principle and the status principle. Let's take back our city's tell your woke neighbors, this isn't about making the marginalized feel good. This is about protecting the marginalized and the most vulnerable, from predators, criminals, and thieves. Look, the rule of law is foundational to who we are here in America. If you don't like the laws, change them. I'm not might not agree with you and your stance on laws. But there's a process for changing them. And there's a process for keeping our families and friends safe and free. is sure isn't what the Biden's and the bait o's and the George Soros 's of the world are trying to do. I'll leave you with this. From our good old buddy President Ronald Reagan. Freedom prospers. When religion is vibrant, and the rule of law under God is acknowledged, the Democrats, the leftist, the socialists, the Bernie Sanders the AOCs, the Sheila Jackson Lee's the Gavin Newsom is the Biden's they don't acknowledge the rule of law. It's time to vote. Republican. Thank you so much for listening. As always, you can email me your thoughts to Ben at Ben What we're seeing today is not by accident, the Democrats led by brain dead, Joe Biden are manipulating our economy, our geopolitical reputations, and the safety of our communities, all in order to create dependency on the government. They aspire to build a society which cannot stand on the backs of Freemen, but rather, it serves to enable the success of the few elites. Keep listening, learning and stay in the fight. Until next time, thank you again. And God bless. The answer with Ben Armenta is sponsored by the kicking crab, the latest and greatest Cajun concept to hit the southwest. They offer down home flavors and it's one of those places where you're gonna want to take the kids, no plates, just good times brought to you by folks that have strong conservative values, like you and me. Visit them off of Highway six in Houston or at the kicking